Social Responsibility

Community Relationships

Assessment of Assets and Challenges (2006-2011)Foto Apicultura


Identifying potential opportunities for social capital (asset) creation in the community, identifying challenges perceived by the population and assessing the community’s perspective of Company activities and emergency demands.


17 assessed communities;

Closer relationship between the Company and the Community;

03 Associations with projects approved for financing by RedEAmérica (Projeto Nova Fazendinha, Grupo Boa Fé Forquilha; AAPIVER);

Social Balance


Publishing the results of community relationship actions throughout each year.


Propagating community relationship actions and company activities within the communities.

Relationship Network


Establishing dialog channels in order to allow the communities to be effectively involved in actions concerning forest management, as well as achieving a closer relationship between the Community and the Company.


Better relationship with the communities.

Propagation of social project results and planned company actions.

Signed partnerships with communities and institutions within the municipalities.
