Programs and Projects

Income Generation

Strengthening Regional Handicraft8932_ Relatório 2013  _ Bioenergia _ Projetos Sociais _ Artesanato _ Campo Alegre

ARTESANATO DOS VALES (VALLEY HANDICRAFT) – Recovers and strengthens handicraft in neighboring communities in order to foment handicraft commerce, supporting the activity via product marketing and artisan training. Related data:

  • 680 hours of training in management, design, packaging and fair preparation; Exhibitions at Company offices and other units;
  • Artisans participating at the Belo Horizonte National Handicraft Fair;
  • 06 supported communities, with a total of 174 artisans.

Projeto Apicultura: APITA – Itamarandiba

  • Objective: Encouraging and supporting forest usage in beekeeping initiatives, creating a work and income source for local beekeepers in a sustainable and environmentally correct approach.
  • Results: Agricultural partnership contract signed with the Associação Apícola de Itamarandiba: 47 associates using Company areas, containing approximately 10 thousand beehives and an average production of 400 tons/year; the honey produced under contract is given to employees, non-profit organizations and NGO’s.