Social Responsibility

Community Development

Strengthening the CMDCA’s via FIA6995_ Relatório 2014 _ Bioenergia  _ Social _ Fabrica de Lingerie

  • Strengthening the Municipal Councils for Child and Adolescent Rights (CMDCA, Conselhos Municipais de Direito da Criança e do Adolescente), as well as applying and tracking FIA (Infancy and Adolescence Fund, Fundo da Infância e Adolescência) resources.
  • Council members and Entities aware about the correct destination of FIA resources and their attributions, and strengthened child and adolescent care institutions;
  • Training for council members in all municipalities;
  • Approximately 1 million and 400 thousand Reais employed in child and adolescent care institutions;
  •  Strengthened child and adolescent care institutions.

Community Development Programs

  • RedEAmérica: Group of corporate institutes and foundations focused on corporate social investments for basic development. span>
  • Supported RedEAmérica projects: Projeto Nova Fazendinha (Itamarandiba); Projeto Sede da Associação Grupo Boa Fé de Forquilha (Minas Novas); Projeto Casa de Mel AAPIVER (Veredinha)