
Declaration of Commitment to the FSC®

Aperam BioEnergia commits to applying adequate and economically viable technologies in order to reduce atmospheric emissions, power consumption, waste generation and natural resource usage, as well as to prevent pollution by productive processes, preserving ecological diversity, natural resources and ecosystems.6860_ Relatório 2014 _ Bioenergia _ Texturas 6149_ Relatório 2014 _ Bioenergia _ Viveiro de Mudas

The company commits to:

  • Obeying the nationally and internationally accepted Principles and Criteria of the FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council. –
  • Respecting national sovereignty, as well as laws, agreements and international treaties conferred by the country.
  • Maintaining land use and ownership documents according to the national legislation.
  • Having the objective of improving the quality of life of its employees and the local community.
  • Safeguarding the remaining native forests and their components within areas subjected to certification.
  • Avoiding the conversion of natural forests into forest plantations with exotic species.
  • Maintaining areas of ecological and landscaping interest (waterfalls, caves, etc.) for present and future generations.
  • Sustainably managing its forest plantations, considering environmental, social and economic aspects.
  • Promoting the efficient and optimized usage of its forests.
  • Supporting multiple forest usage, always respecting environmental sustainability and biodiversity.
  • Identifying and selecting adequate genetic material for forest management.
  • Adopting suitable equipment and techniques for soil, water and air conservation.
  • Monitoring and minimizing the use and application of chemical products in its activities.
  • Applying adequate practices towards the destination of waste generated by its activities.
  • Controlling and impeding illegal hunting and fishing in its managed areas.
  • Permanently monitoring the fauna, flora, soil and hydric resources.