Integrated Management Policy – Version 08

Integrated Management Policy – Version 08

7458_ Relatório 2014 _ Bioenergia _ Represa Palmeiras

Aperam BioEnergy, the Aperam Group company, acting in the forestry sector, producing charcoal from renewable planted eucalyptus forests in the State of Minas Gerais, believes in constant improvement of working conditions and environment, the rational use and sustainable of natural resources, to benefit all generations, providing adequately the demand for your product.

Recognizing that people and the environment in which the Company operates are its greatest asset, and should have priority treatment in its Integrated Management Policy, is committed to:

  • Acting in improving working and environmental conditions, by preventing environmental pollution, occupational injuries and illnesses, the improvement of knowledge, development of technological processes, ensuring the rational use of natural resources and effective control of occupational hazards and environmental aspects;
  • Identify, assess and control hazards to health and safety, searching, whenever technically and economically feasible, to act on the hazards at their source;
  • Managing forest plantations according to principles and criteria of the FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council, which reconcile environmental protection with social benefits and economic viability;
  • Meet at least the applicable legal and other requirements which the organization subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects and dangers of health and safety;
  • Ensure the continuous improvement of management in terms of occupational safety, occupational health and environmental management promoting continuous review of established objectives and goals by investing in an integrated manner in timber resources and non-timber, the conservation of genetic resources, the forest protection services , environmental education, technological development and the improvement of working conditions;
  • Providing the guidelines of Integrated Management Policy, the employees themselves and service providers, suppliers and the communities present in the areas of its operations.

The success of this policy requires the commitment of all who work for the company or are under their responsibility.
