Forest Management Planning

Forest Management Planning

Objetivos do Manejo Florestal:


  • Planning and adapting environmental interventions seeking renewable wood production for several applications, combining economic objectives with social and environmental objectives and benefitting present and future generations. Combining, in an independent or integrated manner, wood industry resources and resources not pertaining to this industry, genetic resource conservation, protection, education and recreation services, specialized and multiple utilization processes applicable to both native forests and planted forests.
  • Building knowledge about available resources at the managed unit and their limitations;
  • Developing silvicultural practices based on scientifically proven techniques and sources;
  • Monitoring forest growth and dynamics;
  • Acting responsibly towards the environment based on environmental studies and assessments;
  • Conserving biodiversity and identifying and protecting rare and endangered species;
  • Optimizing the usage of forest resources through their integral management.

Silvicultural operations and activities

  • SAPLING PRODUCTION – Performed using the vegetative propagation method on high-performance genetic material in environmentally controlled facilities.
  • CREATION OF NEW FORESTS – Includes the planning process, soil sample collection, harmful insect control, soil preparation, fertilization, planting and irrigation.
  • FOREST MAINTENANCE – Includes cleaning the area, conserving the fences and clearing undergrowth, implementing weed control techniques and complementary fertilization.
  • FOREST HARVESTING – Set of activities necessary for wood production, planned according to the location of dense forest areas and to supply logistics for Energy Production Units.
  • COAL PRODUCTION – Performed in masonry furnaces through mechanized loading and unloading, as well as strict process control.